Life Lessons

My Best Parenting Tip

PRAY fervently and continually. That’s it. We tend to examine/evaluate our parenting in terms of success and failure. A much better scale is obedience/disobedience. Raising our kids is a stewardship and the goal is to be found trustworthy. 1 Cor. 4:1-5 So have as your Parent Focus:  Be the best I can be in living…

GUY/GAL RELATIONSHIPS     (Sex,  Dating,  and  Courtship)

Prayer:  True to scripture and thus honoring to God,    Motivated by love w/o condemnation,   Freeing, uplifting, encouraging – not bondage and legalism,   Receptive minds and hearts eager to do Your will. INTRODUCTION: This is THE one subject just about everyone finds interesting and quite possibly the area that we tend to protect…

Faith and Feelings

It’s difficult but critical to discern what I truly believe and will stand/act upon and what I feel. It seems like for so many people faith and truth are determined by feeling; ‘it can’t be true if it doesn’t feel true’. What an unreliable, easily manipulated determinant. 1 Peter 1:25 …but the word of the…

Focus – Christian Life in a Nutshell

Are you Discouraged? Depressed? Fearful? Anxious? Worried? Overwhelmed? Confused? Filled with negative thoughts? Where is your focus? What dominates your thinking? Remember Peter walking on the water toward Jesus after he’d asked Jesus to prove it was He by inviting him to do so? Matthew 14:28-31 Peter got distracted by the wind and waves all…

Friend of God

John 15:14,15 You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. While I grew…