Triads/Quads (for Men)
Prayer Obedience/outreach Word Relationship
-men meeting in POWR triads/quads (meeting outline)
-POWR stands for Prayer, Obedience/Outreach, Word, Relationship/life-on-life elements of group time, but not necessarily in that order or in equal amounts. Seek the Spirit’s leading for each triad meeting. Also connect if possible outside of group time.
-look for guys already in your life – work/ministry, school, neighbors, church, team/club/hobby/kid’s-sports-dads, etc.
-be flexible, get below the surface sharing, and intimate prayer
-connect weekly preferably in person but otherwise if necessary: text, phone, etc.
-Customize to the group: seek to be real and effective/relevant to who is in the triad and what’s happening in your lives.
-keep it simple and pass-on-able.
-as you recognize other leaders/initiators in your triad, encourage them to start an additional triad. Multiply!
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