Author: Lauris Shepherd

My Best Parenting Tip

PRAY fervently and continually. That’s it. We tend to examine/evaluate our parenting in terms of success and failure. A much better scale is obedience/disobedience. Raising our kids is a stewardship and the goal is to be found trustworthy. 1 Cor. 4:1-5 So have as your Parent Focus:  Be the best I can be in living…

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Forgive Them. IT IS FINISHED!

“It is finished!” are the last words of Jesus on the cross while still in a body like ours. He had already prayed for His attackers/torturers (and all mankind, including you and me), “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Jesus instructs us to pray the same way when He gave us…

GUY/GAL RELATIONSHIPS     (Sex,  Dating,  and  Courtship)

Prayer:  True to scripture and thus honoring to God,    Motivated by love w/o condemnation,   Freeing, uplifting, encouraging – not bondage and legalism,   Receptive minds and hearts eager to do Your will. INTRODUCTION: This is THE one subject just about everyone finds interesting and quite possibly the area that we tend to protect…


Not too long ago I confessed to the Lord discouragement and lethargy in prayer and asked why? The Psalmist struggled with this from time to time.  Psalm 42:5a  Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? What came to mind?  Little faith due to a divided focus…