You Can Talk to God About Everything
Do you talk to God about everything? You certainly can. And it’s not like it might be embarrassing or inappropriate since He already knows your thoughts before you think them. Ps. 139:2-4
Phil. 4:6 LB Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace,…
“When we are in a relationship with others we do certain things. If it’s a love relationship, we willingly spend a lot of time with that person and we can talk for hours to them over big and small things. We should realize that to have a vibrant relationship with God, we need to spend time with Him in His word and talking to him about everything.” Janice C.
Our relationship with God is different because God is Spirit and our relationship is by faith. But it is just as real, longer lasting, and at a much deeper level of intimacy. Our 5 senses are temporal and very limited. Our relationship with God doesn’t have these limits. Rom. 8:16 For example, we can dialogue with Him constantly since He is always with us – unlike any human relationship.
Try talking to God throughout the day about whatever you’re thinking and doing. By the way, He knows everything there is to know about your job/school/endeavor and He’s eager to help. Ps. 46:1