Wait in Silence for God Only
Have you ever just sat quietly with the Lord not saying anything and just trying to center your thoughts on being aware of His Presence? (Is that even possible?)
Psalm 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God only, my hope is from Him.
Does that seem like a waste of time… just sitting with Jesus, ‘doing nothing’, not asking for anything, not declaring anything, not saying anything at all but just delighting in His Presence?
I think I’m convinced more can be accomplished sitting in silence with Jesus and ‘doing nothing’, than in roaring around trying to get a sense of accomplishment. (He knows what we need before we ask.)
Once we get ‘in tune’ with Him and aware of His Presence, we can’t help but erupt in words of praise and adoration and thanksgiving. (Then act in response to His leading.)
Try it.