Rejuvenate Your Prayer Life

“It is necessary to iterate and reiterate that prayer, as a mere habit, as a performance gone through by routine or in a professional way, is a dead and rotten thing.  Prayer should not be regarded “as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty.”  E.M. Bounds

What can you do to rejuvenate your prayer life?  Some suggestions:

Start with God rather than problems, concerns, or a list.  “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name…”  Focus on praise and adoration of Creator God, Sovereign over all, Lover of your soul.

“…pray at all times in the Spirit…” Eph 6:18  It’s much more important and effective to know and pray what God thinks than bursting out with your own sentiments, understanding, and desires.  You can start by asking God what you should pray and that He pray it through you.

One of the best ways to do this? – pray scripture.  Look for passages in the Bible that praise God.  (Psalms is fantastic.)  Meditate on them and pray them back to Him.

Look for promises that apply to the need and pray those back to God.

And as you express your needs and worries and concerns to God, do it with gratefulness and thanksgiving.  Phil. 4:6  Remember, God has promised good in all things to those who truly love Him.  Rom. 8:28

Make your appeal from a position of unhindered communication – sins confessed, with an attitude of humility and surrender, determined to follow through on whatever He shows you to do.  Acts 24:16

Let yourself get caught up in awe and wonder of Who Jesus is, the only begotten of the Father, and that He died for you and accepts you just as you are.  Remind yourself of your standing in Christ and pray in His Name.

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