Keep on Believing! Pray!

It is a BIG mistake to think God is not listening or doesn’t care when we pray and don’t ‘see’ results.  And yet isn’t that what I’m doing when I get discouraged with the lack of results and lose motivation to pray?

I was talking (complaining?) to God about that and then opened up the Bible to read Psalm 116:1-2 “I love the LORD, because He hears my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.”

Notice the circumstances in which the Psalmist made this declaration3 The cords of death encompassed me, and the terrors of Sheol came upon me; I found distress and sorrow. 4 Then I called upon the name of the LORD: “O LORD, I beseech You, save my life!”

The Psalmist is saying that because he KNOWS God hears his prayers and takes note of his requests and even listens to the sighs of his heart, that  motivates him to love God and PRAY – as long as God gives him breath.

Keep on believing.  Keep praying!  Leave the results with God, knowing that His ways are so much better than what you can dream up to ask anyway.

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