First, Talk to The One Who Has ALL Authority
Talk to God about people before you try to talk to people about God. That’s the beginning of getting on the same page with God in helping others with real needs and dealing with our own problems as well.
Keep Matt. 28:18 in mind: And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
We don’t really need to understand or even know what a person’s problem is to know that Jesus is the answer. In the first few chapters of Mark we see Jesus demonstrating authority over every area – unclean spirits/demons, sickness/disease, cleansing/forgiveness from sin, law/Sabbath, physical malformation/handicap, any and all afflictions, Satan, nature/physical laws, and death itself.
He has ALL authority and is not threatened or frustrated by anything.
As you pray, believe that He is and that He will render the help that is needed. Heb. 11:6